Although most people like the satisfaction that comes with DIY, there are times when you should admit defeat and call in a tradesman. Forget your principles for just a second: this could be the difference between a job well done and serious injury – or worse!
So, when do you call in the professionals? This guide should help you to decide when to put down your tools and pick up the phone. Let’s get started.
There are obvious dangers with the electrics in your home. But some are more apparent than others. Changing the fuses in a plug or replacing a light switch is one thing. But no matter how confident you are, you will need to get a professional in for any major work. In fact, any electrical rewiring needs a competent person to carry it out. It’s a simple part of the law. So make sure you get one in.
According to electricians CFS Electrical, you will need certification for any major electrical work. Not having one could lead to problems when you want to sell the home, and will almost certainly put any insurance claims into jeopardy.
Roofing repair work can be incredibly dangerous. Unless you have the right equipment and someone on hand to help, it is inadvisable to do it yourself. OK, you might save yourself some money, but the chances of a botched job and serious injury are just too great to risk.
Find out about roofing specialists in your area. Research their past customers to see if they were happy with the work they completed. Don’t always go for the cheapest quote. When it comes to building work, there is a price to pay for quality. And there could be a bigger price to pay for a shoddy job done by cheap cowboys.
Anything to do with gas in your home should be handed over to a professional and qualified person. This goes for anything from working around gas pipes to installing an oven.
A good measure of what you should leave to the professionals is by looking up what landlords have to do for their tenants. This is the government’s idea of ‘safe’. If you check any tenancy agreement, you will see that touching anything to do with gas is a big ‘no-no’ for renters.
Plumbing is such a vital component to every home, yet it can be extremely delicate. Apart from turning the hot water off and on, it is inadvisable to mess around with water pipes or tanks if you don’t know what you are doing.
There’s an old joke that exemplifies this to a tee. A plumber is called out to a well-off lady’s home. The lady tells the plumber that she can hear something wrong with the pipes in the loft. The plumber goes up, and the lady hears three bangs. The plumber comes back down and says “That’s the problem fixed. That will be £55.15, please.” The lady can’t believe that’s how much it costs, and demands an itemised bill. The plumber scribbles on some paper and hands it to her. It says: Three bangs on a pipe – 15p. Knowing where to bang on a pipe – £55.
And that, very simply, is why you should get a tradesman in.