Many homeowners, gardeners, and outdoor enthusiasts simply wilt away, just as their summer flowers do, over the winter periods. They are just not seen in their gardens, and the thinking is that there is no garden work to do until we herald the arrival of spring. This, however, is a huge oversight on their behalf, and there is always so much to do in the garden, regardless of the season. This article looks at those garden DIY issues that you should be getting done, either before or during the winter months. These will make for a much easier start to the new growing season as well as for a busier winter in the garden that may actually save you some maintenance money in the long run.
Pressure wash the front entrance and porch
Cleaning any moss and dirt off the front porch, steps, or entrance is an essential winter preparation. The moss holds moisture, freezes, and becomes extremely slippery, causing accidents and falls. Pressure wash any moss, dirt, and grime off your homes’ entrance and walkways, and then salt and grit these surfaces to make them safe to walk on.
Clean and maintain Gutters
Remove the remnants of autumn leaves from the gutters, will block snow and cause dripping and standing water. It’s a DIY job that is often neglected as it’s thought to be an autumn or summer job, but leaves that remain trapped in guttering over winter cause an additional eight in guttering and will eventually cause damage, leading to the need for expensive repairs.
Outdoor rooms
Tidy and maintain all outdoor garden rooms and the conservatory; any seating areas that you have outside may not be used in winter, but cleaning them and having them tidy is a wonderful winters day job to do. As long as it’s not snowing or raining and the winter sun is shining. Also, clean and replace the hot tub filters. You never know when you want to use them, and having it working as best should be a task worth doing when you have the time.
Keep off the grass/protect the plants you have
Although your grass goes to sleep for the winter, if you walk on it, you will cause damage fairly easily, and as such, if you have to go up and down or use a wheelbarrow, ensure to put a plank down to avoid such damage. Furthermore, protecting the plants that you have in the garden or in pots is critical to have somewhere to start from in spring again. The plants that are not frost and ice hardy may need to be moved or covered.
Winter may be a slower time in the garden as far as plant and flower growth is concerned, but it should still be one of the busiest times in your garden and outdoor spaces. It may be colder and darker, but being in the winter sunshine is a great way to get out and ensure your full share of the fresh air that we all need.