If you have ever had a mouse or mice in your house, you may be left wondering, where did they come from? No matter how clean and clutter free the inside of your house is, mice will seek out the warmth and a nice place to nest. Nobody wants mice running freely about their house. There are a few things you can do to keep mice out.
Step One
Inspect the outside of your house for any gaps ¼ of an inch or larger.
Step Two
Seal the openings under doors. Install weather stripping to the bottoms of your doors to make the opening less than ¼ of an inch.
Step Three
Plug holes around the pipes entering your home. Stuff steel wool around pipes. Mice do not like steel wool and will leave it alone.
Step Four
Cover larger holes and cracks with wire mesh. Seal any separation that occurs between your foundation and a patio or cement slab. Use an outdoor caulking.
Step Five
Install louvered dryer vent covers. The louvers will close when the dryer is not in use. Keep lint clear from the louvers to prevent improper closing of the vent.
Step Six
Clear any garbage, firewood, leaves and any outdoor items away from basement windows and the rest of your foundation. Mice look for places to hide, don't provide them with cover. This also includes thick layers of mulch near your house.
Step Seven
Cut bushes, shrubs and trees back from your house. Tall tree and shrubs give mice something to climb on to gain entry to higher areas.