You need to install a new toilet bowl. Maybe your old one is cracked at the base. Maybe you want to conserve water with a low-flow model. Maybe you are moving away from your avocado green bathroom decor. It doesn’t matter, it’s not all that difficult to install a toilet bowl.
Select the toilet bowl you want. Some models come in one piece, some are a two-piece combination of bowl and tank. Read all the installation instructions, even if you know what you’re doing. The instructions will provide a list of things you’ll need to do the job right, including tools and bowl wax.
Remove the bolt caps from the base of the toilet bowl and take out the bolts that anchor the bowl to the floor. Wiggle the bowl to break it free from the ring of bowl wax. Immediately haul the old bowl outdoors or set it on something (an old blanket, a large piece of cardboard) to keep the bowl wax off your floors.
Install the tank, following manufacturer’s instructions. Turn the water on for a test flush.