Scratches on a glass table top may seem permanent, procedures can remove the blemish or make it less noticeable. Over time, the scratch collects dust and dirt within the crevice, which makes it even more prominent. Glass has the same texture and color throughout its thickness, allowing for a simple process of removal or disguising of the scratch. With the use of household staples, you can diminish or completely remove the scratch mark.
5 Do not use gel toothpaste; use paste toothpaste only. A barely noticeable indention may remain on the table top after eliminating the blemish.
Press the toothpaste into the scratch by rubbing it back and forth with a damp sponge. Look at the scratch periodically, and continue rubbing removing the entire scratch.
Clear Nail Polish - Wipe dust from the scratch with a clean cloth. 7
Spray glass cleaner over the table top, and wipe it clean with a soft cloth.