You can find a lot of people searching to find an answer to this question how to wallpaper around a window. Install wallpaper around a window with this helpful little guide. It puts forward simple and easy steps to get the job done in a perfect way. Whether you are installing wallpaper on all four walls in a room or just on one wall chances are you will have to paper around a window at some point. For the inexperienced wallpaper hanger this can be the most difficult part of the project. Don’t let the window get in your way.
Here are simple steps on how to wallpaper around a window:
Using a pencil mark the area of the wallpaper that you will need to cut out in order to paper around the window. Leave at least two inches of excess paper around the opening.
After the paper is hung around the window complete the process by cutting at an angle from the center of the window corner to the edge of the excess paper.