When you’re remodeling your kitchen and installing a kitchen worktop, sometimes you may need to mitre your worktops in order to get a correct fit against your walls. Consider using a table saw or a skill saw. Or, if you have access to a track saw, this is the best choice.
Step One
Use a track saw to mitre a kitchen worktop. This saw runs on two tubes above the table. It has a 16 to 18 inch carbide blade. It cuts through a worktop in one pass, making a clean edge on your mitre to adjoin your other worktop with the one you've cut. This saw runs counterclockwise with the blade cutting down towards your worktop, not like a skill saw. This is what makes such a clean cut on the plastic of your worktop.
Step Two
Cut a mitre with a table saw. A table saw blade also runs counterclockwise with the teeth cutting down for a clean cut. Have your worktop tight against your slide fence on the table saw so that you won't have a kick-back with your material. This is important for safety purposes when you mitre a kitchen worktop with a table saw.
Step Three
Take a skill saw, for another method, when you mitre a kitchen worktop. This method requires turning your worktop upside-down and cutting from the bottom side. With a skill saw, the blade cuts upward instead of downward. This is why you must cut from the bottom side. Clamp a straight-edge for a rip fence on the bottom of your worktop for a true straight line.
Step Four
Finish your mitre on your kitchen worktop. Take a belt sander and smooth your cuts so they adjoin properly, with no gaps.