If you live in a rural area, you’re likely to be well aware of the challenges regarding your energy supply. If you’re not in the mains gas grid, your options for heating your home can seem daunting and confusing.
The confusion isn’t helped when a number of myths are put out about LPG — a by-product of the amount of press coverage LPG, or liquid petroleum gas, has had over the past few years. As a cleaner, greener form of energy for heating your home, LPG has shaken up the established markets and helped customers to save money and help reduce their carbon emissions.
One of the common myths is that LPG is more expensive than heating with oil due to being more environmentally friendly, more efficient and much better for cooking. However, a large number of Calor customers actually pay far less per year for their LPG fuel than they do using electric or oil-based heating systems. The low ownership costs and higher efficiency rates of LPG mean that many customers end up paying far less with Calor.
With LPG, less fuel needs to be consumed to heat your home — especially when used with a new LPG boiler. Newer boilers take advantage of technological innovation to increase efficiency and save customers even more money.
On the whole, fuel thefts are almost unheard of when it comes to LPG, compared to fairly high levels of theft for oil and other forms of heating fuel. Because there’s virtually no need to account for potential loss to theft, the cost of LPG fuel is lower than other forms of heating. LPG, then, is safer, cleaner, greener and often far cheaper than other options.
If you switch from another form of fuel to LPG with Calor, you’ll receive a free above-ground tank installation and connection, potentially saving you a lot of money. Customers who switch to Calor from other LPG suppliers typically save £280 a year on average, If you combine this with the money you can make through the Renewable Heating Incentive by having a Daikin Altherma heat pump system installed, you can not only enjoy greener, cleaner fuel but will save a lot of money and benefit — potentially up to £600 a year — from selling your excess energy back to the grid.
With money to be saved, made and all of the environmental benefits of LPG fuel, there’s never been a better time to switch to the UK’s leading lpg suppliers Calor gas.