The Apple Watch is a novel product in Apple’s lineup for more reasons than one, but the sheer range of options available to prospective buyers may be among the most challenging to wrap your head around. Have no fear, this handy guide will help you pick a version based on your which of the broad archetypes described below you identify with most.
But taking tech off the table, there are a few distinctions that will make it easier to choose based on what you’re into. Whether you’re all about business or all about pleasure, there’s an Apple Watch for you.
Step One
YOU LOVE SPORTS – If you were a Spice Girl, you’d be Sporty Spice. Forget timekeeping and the look of the thing, you just want a Watch so that you can join in with all the “Bro, do you even step?” step count chat in the changing rooms and compare heart rates as you work out. The water resistant Apple Watch Sport edition is for you: with a lightweight aluminium casing it won’t slow you down, while the strap comes in five jaunty colours to match your super stylish workout gear.
Step Two
You Don’t Particularly Love Sports But You Want To Look Like You Do – Maybe you’re trying to woo a gym bunny or you’re just trying to convince your doctor that you actually do exercise four times a week – the Apple Watch Sport edition is still the one for you. You’ll still look quite sporty but since you don’t care about being weighed down you can opt for the slightly larger 42mm version and just use it for its unique messaging capabilities. Draw a (tiny) picture on your Watch screen and send it to another Watch user, or even send them a physical reproduction of your exact heart rate, a feature that is set to change the dating game forever. Of course, that might give away your true fitness levels too: proceed with caution.
Step Three
YOU ARE QUITE THE FASHIONISTA – Oh dahhhling, isn’t the woven Milanese stainless steel on the Apple Watch strap just to die for? It’s fully magnetic, so even the tiniest of wrists can look foward to a perfect fit and silver basically goes with everything. Now you just have to decide what Watch face will complement those Manolos. Maps on your wrist will help you navigate from A to B without getting your phone out like a loser, while the Instagram app will keep you up to date with the latest looks too.
Step Four
You Have More Money Than You Know What to Do With – Apple has seen you and your offshore bank account coming and created a £13,500 Apple Watch Edition just for you. Crafted from finest 18-carat yellow or rose gold, you won’t have to deal with any of that stainless steel that the common folk are wearing. You’ll also have a choice of straps, from the more durable sports band to the eye-pleasing midnight blue leather one. Of course, the tech is the same but the promise of receiving multiple thousands of pounds from you has prompted Apple to lay on a superior shopping experience. Apple Watch Edition buyers will be whisked off to a private room in select Apple Stores, enjoy a whole hour of Genius time to get set up and access to a 24-hour helpline for two years. Alright for some.