When a hacker gets into your computer, he needs to access the computer’s resources by logging in to your account. You can determine if your computer has been hacked in one of two ways. Find out if there are computer accounts you have not created, or if any of your legitimate computer accounts have been accessed without your knowledge. Have a question? Get an answer from online tech support now!
Step One
Log in to your computer as an Administrator.
Step Two
Click the Windows Start button, type “cmd” into the search box and press “Enter” to open a command-line window.
Step Three
Type “net user” without quotes at the command prompt and press “Enter.” Windows lists all existing accounts on the computer.
Step Four
Check if an account has been created without your permission. Verify that all accounts in the output of “net user” are legitimate. If there are additional accounts, those accounts were likely created by a hacker.
Step Five
Examine all legitimate accounts to see if any have been misused. Check the date and time of the last login. If the most recent login occurred at an abnormal time, a hacker is likely responsible.