Financial budget planners track your personal or business income and expenses on a monthly basis. When it’s vital for you to know where your money is going. creating a monthly budget plan is one of the best ways to get a complete picture of your finances. Using Microsoft Excel, an electronic spreadsheet program, you can create monthly budget planners quickly and easily.
Step One
Collect your personal or business financial records. Separate your incomes and expenses.
Step Two
Open Microsoft Excel. Click “File” or the “Office Button” icon, depending on the particular version of Excel installed. Select “New.”
Step Three
Select “Budgets” from the list of templates. Select either “Business Budgets” or “Home Budgets” to see available templates in that category.
Step Four
Scroll through the budget templates until you find the best one that suits your needs. A larger view appears on the right side when you select the templates. Click “Open” or “Download.”
Step Five
Click on “File” or the “Office Button” icon, depending on the particular version of Excel installed. Select “Save” to keep a copy of the template that you can use again next month.
Step Six
Use your financial records to fill in the monthly details needed on the budget planner for both incomes and expenses.
Step Seven
Place your mouse over the cell that you need to use and then click it. If the cell has a number in it already, highlight it and type in your information.
Step Eight
Use the “Tab” key to continue filling in the information, or select the new cells with your mouse. Disregard any areas not needed. The amounts in other cells change as you add information to the various budget planner sections because formulas are built into the template.
Step Nine
Use the “Undo” feature to make corrections. Complete all areas needed. View the results to understand your monthly finances and notice any areas that need adjustments. Decide what changes are required for next month’s budget.
Step Ten
Click “File” or the “Office Button” icon, depending on the particular version of Excel installed. Select “Save As” to keep a copy for your records. Give the file a different name than the original, or it will replace the template.