Editing movie clips can be a very creative endeavor. Many software programs exist that make it possible to download movie clips from the Internet and edit them on a computer. A lot of people edit home movies that were shot with a video camera, but downloading a video from a website before editing it takes a few extra steps to accomplish the task. It can be done in a short time using the right software.
Download a download manger. This is a program that downloads online movies from a website to a computer. A popular download manager is RealPlayer (see Resources).
Convert the video. If the downloaded movie clip file isn't compatible with your video editor, it will need to be converted. Download a video converter. A popular one is the "Free FLV Converter" from Koyote software (see Resources). Click "Conversion from FLV." Click on the video file you want. Click "Open." Click "Convert." The converted video will be on your desktop.