If you have a slow computer, doing some simple maintenance right away will speed it up. After you clean up your computer, you can schedule these tasks to be done when you are away from your computer. However, first, you must make your computer run faster so that you can enjoy the speed your Internet connection was meant to give you.
Click the "Start" button in the lower left corner to clean out your temporary files, history files, cookies, compressed files and recycling bin. Click on "Programs," "Accessories" and "System Tools" to open the "Disk Cleanup." Do this weekly as part of your regular computer maintenance. Run the disk cleanup, which can take a few minutes. Then it will shut down automatically.
Close any open files and run the "Error Checking." Click "Start," "My Computer" and right-click on the disk you want to scan for any bad sectors that can slow the computer. Click "Properties" and click "Tools." Click on the "Check Now" button and click on "Scan for and attempt recovery of bed sectors" in the "Check Disk" box. Click "Start" and allow the system to repair any bad sectors by choosing to fix any that are found by the utility.