Computers can be used for everything from editing photos and typing documents to producing music or movies. As the world goes increasingly onto the computer, so have microphones, which now come in an easy-to-install and easy-to-use form specifically for computer use. There are various USB microphones from which to choose, all with individual strengths and features. So before buying a USB microphone, consider its primary function, to ensure that you get the sound quality that is best for your needs.
Step One
Insert the microphone’s USB cord into an open USB port on your PC. Windows 7 will automatically install the necessary drivers for the device.
Step Two
Right-click the speaker icon in the Windows taskbar and select the “Recording Devices” option. Select the microphone and then click the “Set Default” button. Click “OK” to close the “Sound” dialog box.
Step Three
Test the microphone by launching Sound Recorder from the Accessories folder, clicking the “Start Recording” button and talking. Click the “Stop Recording” button when you’re finished. Enter a name for the test file select “Desktop” as the file destination.
Step Four
Listen to the test recording by double-clicking on the audio file icon on the desktop. If you can hear your voice, the setup process was successful.
Step Five
Adjust the recording levels of the microphone by right-clicking on the speaker icon in the Windows Taskbar and selecting the “Recording Devices” option. Double-click the Logitech microphone option to launch the Microphone Properties dialog box. Click the “Levels” tab and use the slider bar to adjust the recording volume. Click “OK” to save the volume setting.