Whether you have a phone, camera, or laptop, those “Low Battery” messages can be pretty annoying and inconvenient. Here’s how to keep your batteries charged while preserving functionality.
Step One
If your device is a camera, turn it off immediately after usage. If it’s a phone or laptop, put the device on sleep, hibernate, or some other battery-preserving mode.
Step Two
Set the functionality settings to the lowest reasonably possible level. For example, dim the screen brightness, set the device to sleep after a certain amount of no usage, etc.
Step Three
Do not run more apps than you need open. For instance, don’t let the word processor that you’re not using stay open. Close the program. If you think you’ll need it soon, most programs start up pretty quickly.
Step Four
Avoid graphic-intensive games. While you may love your car racing game, it probably isn’t that good on your battery.
Step Five