Flying a model helicopter looks like a ton of fun, but it takes a great deal of skill to do it successfully. (Success means keeping the helicopter in the air and not crashing continually.) The best thing you can do to prepare for flying is to get an expert as a mentor. Go to your nearest hobby shop, chat with the staff and ask for names of advanced helicopter fliers. They’re usually glad to share their knowledge and start you off.
6 Develop your reflexes and practice controls on a flight simulator. Be wary about buying a model helicopter online. If the company goes out of business, you may not be able to get replacement parts.
Take your time to master each step. For example, become proficient at hovering before you move the helicopter forward and back or try to make turns. Restraining yourself won't be easy, but it will save you money and frustration. (The money will go for replacement parts.)
When you're ready, use the cyclic and yaw channels to move and turn the helicopter. Fly it with the tail toward you; that way, it will turn logically in the direction you want. When you're more advanced, you can try other things, but tail toward you makes it easy to start.