Monograms are an amazing way to upgrade your clothing or to add a bit of color contrast to your clothing. You can make incredible-looking monograms on your clothes with the help of your sewing machine, but only if you know how to! Monogramming may seem like a hard thing to do at first, but once you get a grip on it, you can master your skills in monogramming in no time! So let’s get going already!
What is monogramming?
Monogramming is the art of initial sewing logos and small patterns on different kinds of fabrics and clothes. A monogramming foot that is attached to a sewing machine will turn your sewing machine into a monogramming machine. Once your sewing machine is turned into a monogramming machine, it will allow you to see the stitches you make since they would be larger than any other traditional sewing machine. A lot of people confuse monogramming with simple embroidery, but they are not the same as embroidery allows you to cover larger areas with thread and create a lot of designs, while monogramming is a little more limited.
How to do monogramming with a sewing machine
Like I already said, monogramming with your normal and regular sewing machine is super easy, and you just need to fix a few things up. So let’s give you a list of what to do so that you can get to work as soon as possible!
Set up your stitch
The very first thing that you’ve to do is to set up your stitch; what you will have to do for that is get a spare piece of fabric on which you can first test and work in your stitch until you are satisfied with the result.
Usually, you should use a zigzag stitch and go for the length of 1.5 or 2 initially. Move the fabric that you are working on along with your needle so that you can make a curve or a shaped design.
Prepare the fabric
The next thing that you need to do is to prepare your fabric. One problem that many sewing machine users come across is that their fabric starts to misbehave, stretch, fold and crumple once they have started monogramming. This is why it is important for you to neutralize your fabric while you are working. You can neutralize your fabric in many ways, but I will tell you some of the easiest ones. You can use stay-on stiffeners, or you can just simply let your fabric soak in water for about half an hour before you use it. In this way, it won’t lose its original shape and won’t stretch or crumple too.
Another thing you need to do in order to prepare your fabric is to draw your monogram on it before you start monogramming; you can use bright colored pen chalk or a black pencil for this. Drawing your monograms before you start working will help you in getting the perfect shape, size, and design that you are going for.
Start monogramming
Once you have done all of the above steps, it is finally time to start monogramming your fabric! What you’ve to do now is, place your fabric under the needle of your sewing machine. Start stitching and move your fabric slowly according to your needle. You can adjust how quickly you want to move and how densely you want to stitch your monogram.
If you need to stop, make a sharp turn in your stitching, stop stitching, raise your sewer foot, and change the direction of your fabric. If your monogram does not go as planned, you should not worry, as practice makes a man perfect. Just keep practicing on spare pieces of fabric, and with a little control on your needle and fabric, you will soon master the art of monogramming!
Now that we have learned how you can monogram with a sewing machine. You now know that you know that you can monogram with a sewing machine and that it is actually possible. You can now explore different types of monogramming and spend most of your time practicing monogramming!