Boil sea water until its really salty. How salty? I’d stop just before crystals start to form. Real salt makers keep the crystals that initially form and leave the last little bit of liquid because it contains bitter salts like calcium chloride. In this recipe I just went for the “full taste of the ocean” salt profile. I ended with enough concentrated brine to just cover the fish fillets.
Flies were a big problem so I made a tent with cloth. This dark colored sarong has a loose weave that allowed good airflow and also captured a lot of heat from the sun. I had to whack the marauding campsite goannas with a stick to keep them away. Within a couple of hours the fish formed a hard plastic like skin. Once it's safely "jerked" it can be move to wherever conditions look favourable for further drying. Try the roof racks of your car? How did it turn out? a couple of days later its almost dried right through. It's pretty salty and a tasty chew with a cold beer. You'd have to be a fan of really strong fish flavor, although it didn't taste off at all. It's also is a good addition finely shredded to Thai style dishes that call for fish sauce - which is all about super salty fish flavour!