If you plan ahead, you can keep a little taste of the summer at hand all year round by freezing your in-season and Forest fruits. It’s easy to do: you just have to wash, dry and sometimes pit and dice the fruit. Lay them flat on a lined cookie sheet and freeze for one to two hours. Once the fruit is frozen, transfer the fruit to plastic bags to store. The fruit will keep for 8 to 12 months this way.
Step One
Strawberries – When strawberries are in season, we remember why we love this fruit so much. They taste nothing like those overgrown red fruits we buy at the grocery store. They aren’t just sweet, they have a distinct flavour. And one we want to be enjoying all year round which is why you should freeze them when in season. To freeze strawberries you should wash, dry and hull them; then let them freeze in one layer on a wax paper lined cookie sheet before storing them in a bag.
Step Two
Cherries – When cherries are in season, they’re finally affordable. And so it’s a great time to stock up on them. To freeze cherries you should wash, dry, stem and pit the fruit before freezing them on a lined cookie sheet (and then storing them in a plastic bag).