The cooks of ancient Rome created mint sauce to disguise the taste of old and rancid meat, according to the website Nowadays, the native herb continues to be used in mint sauce, primarily as an accompaniment to roast lamb. The sauce is easy to prepare, with the entire process taking less than half an hour. Its simplicity makes it a good recipe for children to help with.
Step One
Wash the mint and finely chop. Place it in a saucepan.
Step Two
Add the boiling water and simmer for one minute, stirring all the while.
Step Three
Remove the pan from the heat and add the sugar. Leave the mixture to stand for five minutes and then stir again.
Step Four
Add the vinegar and stir. Add more water or sugar to taste, depending on how strong or sweet you like the sauce. Leave the sauce to stand for 15 minutes before using.