Just about everybody loves pizza. It is fantastic for when a group of kids get together, or it makes a perfect family meal. Making your own at home can save you lots of money, particularly if pizza a meal often eaten by your family. If turning on the oven in the summer is something you just won’t do, try this recipe to make your own pizza using a heavy frying pan and burner. Stove top pizza is delectable.
Step One
Prepare the bread dough according to the directions. Take about 1/3 cup of dough, and roll into a ball.
Step Two
Roll out the dough into a round circle that will fit into your frying pan. Keep about an inch margin all around the pan. This step is best accomplished with a rolling pin.
Step Three
Heat the pan on medium heat. When it is hot, put about a tablespoon of oil in it, tip the pan around so the oil is evenly distributed, and add the dough to the pan. Cover the pan.
Step Four
Let it cook until it starts to brown. Using a spatula, flip it over.
Step Five
Quickly add your sauce and toppings Add the cheese to the very top.
Step Six
Cover the pan again, and cook until the cheese melts.
Step Seven
Remove from pan, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, and let it rest for a minute.
Step Eight
Slice, and serve to your hungry crowd!