Fresh grapes are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and many other vitamins that are associated with good heart health. Fresh grapes also have the ability to improve cognition, eyesight, and blood pressure levels. There are many different ways you can keep grapes fresh and tasty for up to several days and weeks after the purchase date.
Step One
Choosing Fresh Grapes - Search for grapes with green stems that are firmly connected to the fruit. Grapes with brown stems that disconnect easily are often extremely ripe, and may spoil at a faster rate.
Step Two
Examine the colors and hues of grapes to determine their ripeness. All white grapes should have a frosty green hue, whereas red and purple grapes should have rich, dark tones.Avoid purchasing grapes that feature brown discoloration or abnormal hues, which are signs that may indicate rot.
Step Three
Look for signs of mold on clusters of grapes. If grapes are excessively soft to the touch and are displaying white and gray patches of mold, choose a different bunch of grapes. Mold is a sign of rot and could spread quickly to the remaining healthy grapes in your bunch.
Step Four
Storing Grapes to Maintain Freshness - Place your grapes in the refrigerator immediately upon arriving home. Grapes will stay freshest when stored at temperatures between 30 and 32 degrees Fahrenheit (-1 and 0 degrees Celsius).
Step Five
Store your grapes at the back of the refrigerator. The space at the back of your refrigerator is often kept cooler, and will help keep your grapes fresh for between 2 and 3 weeks.
Step Six
Separate stacks of grapes when buying in bulk to promote air circulation. Keeping crates of grapes stacked on top of one another may cause them to spoil sooner.