Lawn damage can occur even in the healthiest looking yards. Insects, rodents, drought and unwanted plant life can all cause grass to die, leaving room for more weeds to take over. Repairing lawn damage as it occurs is important for the overall appearance and condition of your lawn.
Step One
Fertilize regularly using a step system. Step systems are designed to meet the needs of your lawn at different stages of the growing season. They also prevent insect damage and crabgrass infestation when applied at the right time. Even the most stressed out lawns can look revitalized after an appropriate application of fertilizer.
Step Two
Kill any unwanted plant life as soon as you notice it. Vegetation that isn't necessarily a weed can develop in your lawn from many sources. Bedding plants and ground cover plants can easily get out of control and before you know it they've taken over. Remove unwanted plants at the root before they spread.
Step Three
De-thatch areas where brown dry grass is killing off good healthy grass. Rake thoroughly with a thatch rake and remove piles of dry grass. Over seed these areas, raking loose dirt over new seed. Water twice daily until new growth is seen.
Step Four
Remove dead spots by digging the entire patch out with a shovel. Shake as much of the dirt as possible back into the bare spot. Rake smooth and seed with sun or shade seed as needed. Cover loosely with dirt and top with straw. Water twice daily until the grass is up and growing well.
Step Five
Spray your lawn with a few drops of liquid dish soap mixed in a few gallons of water. This washes away build up on grass and allows oxygen and nutrients to get in. Apply through a hose end sprayer.
Step Six
Use appropriate weed killers for stubborn weeds not treated by broad based applications. Weeds that need extra attention include clover, chickweed and crabgrass.
Step Seven
Water lawns that are dying due to drought conditions. Grass really gets stressed during long period of time with no rain and can go into a dormant state. Sometimes thorough watering for several days is all it takes to bring grass back to life.