Children are over-saturated with computer games and online media. They are not necessarily bad, but having too much of them can damage your kids. To keep them from being cooped up inside, you can make their very own play areas in the garden. These areas do not need to be big for them to enjoy it. It’s okay as long as it encourages them to get outside and play. It can also be the right place for them to play with other kids.
If you want to build a play area, you may have a lot of questions in mind. How can you build one in your garden? What can you do to make it safe? Here are some of the things that you can do to create an enjoyable and safe play area in your very own garden.
Use Safe Materials
When building a space to play in, your child’s safety is always your top priority. You only don’t want a fun environment for your kids, but you also want a safe one. There are many ways how you can child-proof the kids’ playing area.
The first way to ensure safety is to use safe materials in constructing the play area. For instance, instead of wood decking, you can use composite deck boards instead. Unlike wood, composite decking is not prone to slipping and splintering. When you use composite materials, you can be sure of your children’s safety. There are many more materials that can offer safety. You will need to do some research to choose the right one for you.
You can also consider setting up soft landings. Consider using faux grass, padded foam, and sand. These acts as a cushion for any unwanted falls and accidents. Cover hard surfaces like concrete and bricks. You will also want to avoid pea gravel as young children can choke on them.
Remove and Avoid Dangerous Plants
Another important step to ensure protection is to avoid having harmful plants. Avoid planting mushrooms and oleander. Some of them are very toxic, especially to children. You will also want to prevent roses, cacti, and other prickly plants. These can harm your kids. Most importantly, avoid plants that bear fruits that kids can choke on. Berries and olives are some examples of plants that are choking hazards.
Aside from the following, you can use barriers and blockades to keep your children safe. You can set these up to keep them from going into the pools, the fire pit, or any potentially dangerous areas in your garden.
Always Maintain The Play Area
Some of the equipment in the play area may need regular maintenance. For instance, maybe some of the screws are unfastened. Perhaps you need to replace some of the paddings. Or perhaps some of the metal fixtures are starting to rust. For your kids’ safety, it’s best always to check and maintain the garden. This especially important if you would hold a party in the play area. In that case, you want to make sure the play area is clean so that it does not stain the children’s party dresses, which will result in a total mess at the end.
Build A Treehouse
A treehouse is one of the most common structures in a garden’s play area. Many books and movies depict treehouses. They are very popular for many good reasons. Children are interested in the concept of a treehouse. It is an area where they can keep it to themselves. It can also be a place where they can use their imagination and live their fantasies. They can hang out with their siblings and friends and plan their adventures.
When constructing a treehouse, there are things that you should consider. First and foremost, you want the treehouse to be safe. Consider how high the treehouse is going to be. As much as possible, take safety precautions for potential accidents. Bark chippings and safety nets are some of the possible options for safety.
If building a treehouse is not an option, there are some alternatives that you can consider. For instance, instead of a treehouse, you can construct a child-friendly shed. Building and designing the shed can be a fun family project. If building something is too complicated for you, you can instead invest money for an inflatable house.
Build a Sandbox
A sandbox is a good addition to your kids’ play area. Aside from treehouses, nothing says childhood like a proper sandbox. It is also not hard to construct. You don’t need a large space to make one. You will only need a few lumber, some durable landscaping fabric, and some sand. There are many easy guides to follow on the internet that you could try out.
There are many advantages to building a sandbox. First, sandboxes promote imagination in kids. Playing with the sand also strengthens their hands and fingers. It could also help them develop their hand coordination. Most of all, it is generally safe for kids to play in.
Include Them When Planning
When creating a play area in your garden, it’s best to include your kids in planning them. They will be the ones using the area. They can give you some idea on how to build the area. You will also know what they will enjoy. Do they want a treehouse? Or perhaps they want a sandbox instead? Give your kids a chance to plan the playing area as they will enjoy it more when the construction is finished.