Septic tanks can leak in several places, including the inlet pipe and outlet pipe, as well as the manhole riser. Water and waste water can flow in or out of the tank. Excess water leaking into septic tanks hydraulically overloads tanks and drain-fields, leading to system failure. Waste water leaking out of a septic tank pollutes groundwater and may surface. Surfacing septic tank waste water causes bad odors and potential human contact.
Preparation - Schedule a time for the underground utilities to be marked. Private utilities may not be marked by the public utility companies and will have to be marked by a private utility locater.
Inlet/Outlet Pipes - Remove the existing tar sealant from the void between the pipe and the tank. Clean the area with a wire brush and trowel to remove any remaining sealant, dirt and debris. Allow the area to thoroughly dry.
Septic Tank Riser - Remove the manhole covers from the septic tank risers. Remove the concrete risers by placing a bar lever at the seam of the riser and the tank and prying up. Considerable pressure may be needed to break the seal.
Replace the manhole cover over the riser to keep out soil during backfilling and to add weight to the riser for better sealant adhesion. Replace the soil, taking care not to disturb the newly installed riser.