Keeping garden tools in good working order contains no real secret. All you need to do is buy good quality tools to start with, then take proper care of them. The main enemies of garden tools are moisture (causes rust) and lack of maintenance (means they can’t do the job they’re designed to do). So, getting rid of rust and properly maintaining your tools will keep them working for years. In fact, if you make taking care of your tools part of your gardening routine–your grown children will be using them long after you’ve given up gardening. Here are some preservation tips.
Clean your tools after each use. This means removing any clumps of dirt from the heads of shovels, hoes and cultivators as well as wiping and cleaning the blades of pruners and cutters. Store your tools off the ground and in a dry place, out of the weather.
How to Sharpen Shovels and Hoes - Fasten the tool in your vise or workbench, so the head is held securely. Beginning at one side of the shovel and holding your file at a 45-degree angle to the shovelhead make a series of long strokes along one edge.
How to Sharpen and Clean Pruners - Take the pruners apart. (Quality pruners will have a screw at the base of the jaws that you can remove.)
Spread some oil on the blades to prevent any rust buildup before reassembling.