Conifer shrubs, like coniferous trees, stay green year-round. When planted close together, they grow towards each other and create a thick wall of branches, forming a hedge. A hedge is used to give privacy to yards in lieu of a fence. Hedges can also be placed in various locations around a back or front yard to separate it into different sections. Planting a conifer hedge can be relatively simple, yet labour intense, since mostly-grown conifer trees and shrubs tend to be heavy. The best conifers to use are the various low-growing types of yew and arbor vitae.
Step One
Dig up any grass, weeds or other debris from the section of your yard that the conifer hedge row will be located in.
Step Two
Measure out and prepare the fertiliser. Mix it into the soil where the row of shrubs will be planted by placing it on top of the ground and turning the soil three to four times with your shovel.
Step Three
Remove the canvas from the root balls of each shrub, and lay them sideways on the ground 12 to 18 inches apart. Untangle as many roots as possible with your hands. Trim any circular roots that refuse to be untangled.
Step Four
Measure the root ball of each shrub both in length and width. Dig a hole in the ground for the first hedge that is four times larger than the root ball, ensuring that it is deep enough and wide enough to hold the entire root system. Place the shrub in the centre of the hole, and cover the roots with soil.
Step Five
Move to the next shrub, and repeat until all of the shrubs are planted.
Step Six
Water your new hedge thoroughly. Check the soil after watering by sticking your index finger into it. If it sinks in approximately 1 inch, then the shrubs have a sufficient amount of water. If not, give them additional water.
Step Seven
Spread a 1-inch layer of mulch over the ground around your newly-planted row of shrubs. Be sure to keep it 2 to 3 inches away from the trunk of each shrub.