Large leaf plants bring a tropical look to the garden. Large leaves with rich texture and deep lobes add interest to the garden, even when the plants aren’t in bloom. In general, large leaf plants perform well in shady areas because a large leaf has more exposed surface area to perform photosynthesis, so it can get the job done with less light.
Step Four
Caladiums - Caladiums produce colorful, heart- or arrowhead-shaped leaves up to 14 inches long. Depending on the variety, calaladium leaves are streaked or spotted with white, grey, pink or red. Grow caladiums directly in the ground or plant them in pots to make it easy to bring the plant indoors for winter. Caladiums need partial or full shade and a rich, organic, well-drained soil. Water deeply two or three times a week, and apply mulch to help the soil retain moisture. Dig caladiums for storage indoors in all but frost-free areas.