Patios are a lovely addition to any garden, giving you somewhere to create a seating area, put potted plants and even have a garden space you can use in all weathers. But laying a new patio isn’t always as simple as putting down a few concrete slabs. If you want to get creative and end up with flooring that enhances the overall image of your garden, there are a few more things think about. As well as choosing a stone that looks fantastic, you also need to think about your budget and the sustainability of the product you want. Read on to start choosing the best stone for your new patio.
Just like with any project you undertake at home, your budget is something you need to take into consideration. As well as the stone, you also need to think about laying it and any embellishments you’re going to add. You can start planning for extra features, such as a pergola or even patio furniture. You might have some ideas for your dream patio, but remember that some types of stone will cost much more than others. The price will depend on where the stone comes from, what the material is and how much of it you need to use.
Where Does It Come From?
When you’re looking for the perfect patio stone, it’s essential to consider where it comes from. You might discover cheap paving that has come from quarries in China or India, but it’s vital to think about the ethical implications. If a stone comes from particular countries, will it have been quarried from a sustainable source where the workers are treated fairly and safely? The best option could be to consider buying materials from a UK company like Westminster Stone, who source their products from Britain. That way you know that labour laws are fair, and the product comes from an ethical source.
Sustainability and Green Building
As well as the working conditions of the people who are responsible for producing patio stone, you should think about the environment. Many people choose to use recycled concrete slabs or other materials for their patio, instead of buying new. If you buy from abroad, remember that the material will be transported across the world, which is bad news for anyone who wants their patio project to be green.
Another thing to consider is the practicality of different stones. Some things to take into account are colour and texture. For example, grey slabs require less maintenance, whereas cream ones need to be cleaned much more often. Some of the more expensive natural stones, such as granite, become slippery when wet, and so need to be sandblasted or bush hammered for a textured finish before laying. Remember that you need to use your patio, not just look at it.
There is quite a lot to think about when you want to lay a new patio. Just like any other DIY project, you need to plan carefully. But you’ll be glad you took your time, once your patio is complete.