The positive benefits to gardening can not be underestimated, both physically and mentally.
Gardening is popular around the world and involves the young and old along with all varying abilities, from the enthusiast to just the potter or weed pulling.
This outdoor activity gives us immense pleasure and satisfies all our senses, touch, smell, taste and evening hearing.
Physical benefits
No need for paying out at the gym. Only 45 minutes of lifting and removing scrubs can be as effective as a 30 minute aerobics session at the gym. Working in the garden helps strengthen muscles, improves flexibility and can have huge medical advantages, reducing the risk of high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes.
Being outdoors in the fresh air helps you absorb plenty of vitamin D to help your body absorb calcium keeping your immune system healthy
Mental health benefits
There is much research and proof that gardening reduces, anxiety and stress, along with loneliness and depression.
Research conducted on people in aged 60+ bracket shows that daily gardening reduces the risk of developing dementia by up to a whopping 36%
Evidence shows that regular time spent tending your garden reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack by 27 % in people over 60, and can prolong life in the same bracket by up to 30%
Financial benefits
Of course, getting started can be expensive at first, but the pros of growing a garden easily outweigh the handful of negatives and saves money eventually.
Along with not paying for a gym membership and needless medical prescriptions, you have the added bonus of an abundance of fresh flowers and the satisfaction and pride of growing your own fruit and vegetables, helping you to reach your daily five a day.
Be smart and plan your planting to take advantage of planting produce that can be stored, canned, bottled and frozen.
Family Time
Planning, sowing, and tending a family garden helps teach children responsibility and gives them a sense of accomplishment. Spending time in the garden and working together teaches your children to be patience and care for plants and the environment. It gives all of you a project to work on and enjoy together, which reinforces your family bonding time together. Healthy fresh air home grown food are all a bonus.
Simple Tools
Expensive tools are not necessary, but the basics will assist with the enjoyment, rather than struggling.
- Protect your back from aching by not staying in one position constantly.
- Kneel comfortably on soft pads rather than on the hard surface of the soil
- Wear protective gloves from thorns and thistle, protecting the hands and finger nails.
- Find the best gardening gloves on Backyard Boss, they compare the best gardening gloves against material, wrist closure and price.
- Pruning shears
- Trowel
- Spade
- Wheelbarrow
- Comfortable foot wear with ankle support when walking over loose soil and stones.
See gardening as an investment into your health and a hobby to enjoy rather than a mundane chore!