Bees are the world’s most important pollinators. These buzzing insects carry pollen between plants so that they can fruit. Without bees, our food supply would be very different. Growing a garden full of flowers that bees like is a great way to help the ecosystem. Keep the flowers dense and a little bit unmanicured to attract the most bees. Offer a variety of flowers, too. Bees frequent mixed gardens over less diverse patches.
Landing Pads - Flowers with landing pads attract bees more than flowers that are tricky to navigate. A little petal lip or hiding spot for a bee to dip in and drink looks welcoming to the yellow and black pollinators. Snapdragons are excellent choices. When bees tap against the edges of a snapdragon, the petals open up just enough for the bee to hide inside the flower and feel protected. Pansies signal a safe landing to bees, too. Their gentle zigzag details create a landing pattern the bees follow directly to the nectar.