The best and durable type of turf grass for your home depends on the local climate and rainfall. Some grasses need a warm, damp environment, while others can survive through temporary droughts. A good turf grass also should be able to handle heavy foot traffic.
Step One
Kentucky Bluegrass - Kentucky bluegrass is a thick turf with dark green blades. It requires a lot of water, making it unsuitable for hot, dry regions. Hybrid breeds are also available that are more drought-resistant than standard Kentucky bluegrass.
Step Two
Tall Fescue - Tall fescue grass is lighter green and can handle almost any type of growing conditions. This makes it a good choice for areas with drastic differences in weather throughout the year.
Step Three
Bermuda - Bermuda is the most common type of turf grass, used for parks, schools, and other areas subject to heavy foot traffic. It does not grow well in the shade and requires frequent watering.
Step Four
Zoysia - Zoysia grass prefers a warm climate and some sand or clay in the soil. It is naturally resistant to weeds and common garden pests, making it one of the more durable types of turf grass.
Step Five
St. Augustine - St. Augustine turf grass is only suitable for very warm and wet environments. Cold weather will kill off this lush, dark green grass.