Painting your home can certainly be a big hassle. Once you figure out what color you want to paint one room, you may want to pick out other colors for different rooms or as a complementary color in the same room. This can be confusing and frustrating. However, if you know how to use the color wheel properly, you should be able to pick out the best color for your house, along with complementary colors, as well.
Understand what the color wheel is. The color wheel consists of 12 different colors: the primary colors—red, blue and yellow; the secondary colors—orange, green and purple: and the tertiary colors—red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet and red-violet. Typically, the color wheel "starts" with red and ends with violet.
Pick a complementary color. Each color's complementary colors are located directly across the wheel. Across the wheel from blue are orange and orange-yellow. These colors, when paired together, will bring out each other's brightness. This can certainly help you out if you'd like to have an accent wall. Paint the room in shades of orange or orange-yellow (like a sand color), then paint one wall a blue or powder blue for a more dramatic effect.