This is a quick, easy and simple way of making the new craze: Loom bands! Just go to your nearest supermarket or corner shop, purchase a pack or two of loom bands, and follow these handy steps on how to create your own!
Step One
Wrap one loom band around your first and second finger, in an 'infinity' shape. (Twist so it looks like this: 8)
Step Two
Wrap two more loom bands around the same 2 fingers. Do not make into a shape; just put them on top of your '8' shaped loom band.
Step Three
Pull the bottom loom band on your right finger over the top one. Bring into the middle of your two fingers (the gap), and repeat with the one over your left finger.
Step Four
Keep adding more loom bands to your finger. Repeat step 3 until you have made the size you want.
Step Five
Add an 's' or 'c' clip to the bottom to hold it together. There's your loom band made!