If you are an avid scrapbooker or designer, you probably already know what a chipboard is; if not, it is simply a thicker piece of cardboard that you apply to your scrapbook pages or covers to give it a 3-D appearance. Store-bought chipboard comes in many shapes and sizes, but they can be pricey. A more money-conscious activity would be to make them yourself with items around the house.
Step One
Draw out a rough sketch of how you want your chipboard to look like. Once it’s to your satisfaction, transfer the design onto your thick cardboard with a marker. Often the designs are such things as letters or flowers. You can use any form of thicker paper–the backs of writing pads, poster boards, cereal boxes or even cardboard boxes work great.
Step Two
On the other side of the cardboard, spray your adhesive onto the board. Make sure to place newspaper down and be in a well-ventilated area so as to not make a mess or inhale too much of the fumes.
Step Three
Apply the paper with a pattern printed on it to the face of the cardboard that you sprayed the adhesive onto. Flatten the paper out, eliminating air bubbles, and allow it to sit for at least an hour to dry.
Step Four
Turn the cardboard over after you’ve given the board time to dry–you should now see the pattern that you drew in marker to your board in step one.
Step Five
Cut around the outline of the design with your scissors or your X-Acto knife until you have the chipboard piece you want.
Step Six
Use sandpaper to smooth the edges of the chipboard. Often, when hand cutting, you will leave straight edges or uneven spots; sanding helps eliminate that and make a more appealing design.
Step Seven
Use scrapbooking glue to glue your homemade chipboard onto your scrapbook paper, thus finishing your chipboard.