Roulette is a game of chance. The object is to guess where the roulette ball, spinning on the roulette wheel, will land. Played on a table of 36 red and black numbers and a green zero and double zero, roulette offers many ways to play and win. Try your luck in Las Vegas, or in your pajamas at home by visiting a trusted online casino.
Step One
Understand the Game - Scope out the available roulette tables before playing. Each table will have a sign showing its minimum and maximum bets. Look for house rules written on the table's surface.
Step Two
Find a roulette table that has a minimum bet in your price range, sit down and ask the table attendant to change some money into chips for you.
Step Three
Place bets by setting some chips on top of the number or numbers that you have selected. The attendant will call for all betting to end and then set the ball in motion. Any bets placed after the ball has been released will not be honored. (Different types of bets pay different odds. Some of these bets are listed below.)
Step Four
Cash in your chips at the roulette table when you are finished playing. Roulette chips are usually different from the chips used at card games, so it is unlikely that you can use them elsewhere.
Step Five
Learn a Few Sample Bets - Learn about the straight-up bet, a bet placed on a single number. If you choose the winning number, you will be paid at 35 to 1 odds.
Step Six
Understand the split bet, a bet placed on the line between two numbers. If either number wins, the bet pays 17 to 1.
Step Seven
Know the row bet, a bet placed at the edge of a row of three numbers. If any one of the three numbers wins, the bet pays 11 to 1.
Step Eight
Familiarize yourself with the corner bet, a bet placed at the intersection of any four numbers. It pays 8 to 1.
Step Nine
Understand the street bet, a bet placed at the edge where two rows of three numbers meet. It pays 6 to 1. Learn about the column bet, a bet placed at the bottom of a column of 12 numbers. It pays 2 to 1.
Step Ten
Know that there are many bets on a roulette table that pay 1:1 (an amount equal to your bet). You can place these bets on either side of the numbered section. These bets include color bets (red or black), odd- or even-number bets and bets on numbers 1 to 18 and 19 to 36. The individual sections for these bets are clearly marked.