You don’t need to spend additional money at the bait and tackle store. You can easily grow your own fly larvae (maggots) for fishing, with a few household supplies and a little bit of patience. Creating your own bait-maggot supply also allows you to monitor the size and quality of your bait and choose only the best when it’s time to go fishing.
Place the raw chicken breast onto a sheet of newspaper. Place one to two inches of wheat bran into a container.
Check the chicken breast every few days for signs of fly eggs. They will look like tiny white dots, often clustered together. Continue checking on the container until you are satisfied with the amount of eggs you can see.
Check on the container every two days until you see that the eggs have hatched and the maggots look like plump, short, white or beige worms. At this point they are ready to be used as bait.
Store the maggots in the refrigerator until you're ready to use them as fishing bait.