Do you have a hard time making friends? It sometimes can be difficult, but this is not a skill that we cannot improve. In fact, once you start making friends, it actually is addictive and a lot of fun. The key thing to making friends is being a friend yourself and being genuine. Remember, the more practice you get, the better you become.
Step One
Smile. It’s contagious!Address the person you’d like to make friends with by his or her name. This shows that you are interested in getting to know them.
Step Two
Be genuine. People are naturally attracted to someone who is sincere and genuinely interested in them.
Step Three
Relax. Be yourself.Ask questions that will help them start talking. Don’t ask questions that are too personal in nature.
Step Four
Be a good listener.
Step Five
Build on common ground, such as interests or hobbies.
Step Six
Respect differences of opinion; that’s what makes friendship exciting. Be objective and open-minded.
Step Seven
Give compliments when called for. People always appreciate positive feedback.
Step Eight
Keep in touch by inviting them to do something fun together.
Step Nine
Follow up with them after that.
Step Ten
Enjoy your friendship.