Sometimes when you’re playing guitar you get some unwanted sounds. There are many causes, from faulty electrics to loose fittings, but the one of the most common unwanted sounds is a buzzing string. A buzzing string is most noticeable when playing open notes, as the string rattles. Strings can buzz when you are fretting them, but this is less obvious to the ear. It is normally necessary to remove the strings when fixing a buzz, but before you do, check to make sure there is no dust or lint on any string causing it to buzz.
Remove the strings. No matter what the cause, you’ll need remove the strings to fix the problem. To take off the strings, simply unwind the tuning keys until the strings hang loose, then grab the tail piece of the string and slowly pull the string out.
File down any sharp frets. If you find any frets that have sharp edges or that sit higher than the rest, carefully file them down.
Replace the strings. Make sure the new strings are the right gauge. To get the job done quicker, use a string winder.