Play the trumpet in ten easy steps by following this guide! Be able to show off to your friends, join a band, or just play for fun! Playing the trumpet is a hobby that will last a lifetime, and it’s fun, as well!
Keep your trumpet in its case to start. Say the letter "M", but stop at the "mmm" part. Keep your lips in that position. Now, blow through this position in a buzzing sound. It may sound odd at first, but that is the basic lip position to use while playing.
Get out your trumpet. After assembling it fully, inhale through your mouth, assume the proper lip position, put the instrument up to your lips, and blow. Don't push any buttons yet. You should feel your lips change tightness as they lock into a note. Don't push the buttons yet!
Learn your first scale. A scale is an ascending or descending collection of pitches proceeding by a specified scheme of intervals. Go to this web site and play this note on your trumpet while pushing no valves down.( That note is C. Push down valves one and three, and play this note. This is D. (If you can't play D, try barely tightening your lips). Push down valves one and two, tighten your lips a little more, and play this note, E: ( Next, push down valve one, tighten your lips a little more, and blow this note, F: ( Now, don't push down any valves, tighten your lips some more, and play this note, G: ( Push down valves one and two, tighten your lips some more, and play this note, A: ( Push down only valve two, tighten you lips a little more, and play this note, B: ( Finally, let go of all the valves and play this note, high C: ( Congratulations! You just played your first C scale on a trumpet. This is also called the "Concert B flat" scale, but you will learn more about that when you get a music book.
Because buzzing can be a very hard step to master for some people, carry around a mouthpiece with you. If you buzz into your mouthpiece correctly, you should be able to make a coherent sound. It may sound a lot like Donald Duck, but that is a good thing. If you sound like Donald, you're doing something right.