Guns are dangerous at the best of times, but a gun that hasn’t been cleaned properly adds even more risk. If you’re using a gun then supposedly you’re using it for a purpose, cleaning it will keep it functioning safely and effectively.
Residue is left in the barrel every time you pull the trigger and cause the (very) loud explosion in the chamber. Every time. Which is why it’s so important to keep the gun clean. It’ll just get dirtier the more you use it, giving you an even bigger and more time consuming problem to sort out. As well as the gun malfunctioning, that’s just not safe for you or anyone who happens to be around you.
Clean the gun after every time you use it. Sound’s boring, but it wont be after you find yourself with an unfit firearm.
1. Get yourself a kit.
There are materials you need when cleaning a gun. You don’t want any half measures when it comes to this, it’s almost as bad as not cleaning it. Almost, seriously always just clean the gun. Even with run of the mill materials…
What you’ll need.
- Cleaning solvent
- Lubricant, or gun oil
- A bore brush
- Patch holder and patches
- Cleaning rod
- A nylon cleaning brush
- Torch
- Cotton swabs
- Microfiber cloths
This could be part of as part of a cleaning set you can buy in firearm stores with sections dedicated to gun care and maintenance, or could have been collected over time. Some you’ll already have in the house.
2. Unload the gun.
Properly. Check for any rounds still in the chamber. Do not consider this unloaded without doing so, no one want’s any unfortunate mistakes. And that would be a very unfortunate one.
3. Dissemble the gun
Check any owners manual or check list to make sure you’re not pulling off parts you shouldn’t be. Some may only need a chamber open to clean it. But always check first.
4. Barrel
Using a cleaning rod and patch holder and cotton swabs, soak the inside of the barrel. Work from the back. Try and clean thoroughly by pushing the solvent soaked patch all the way until it exits. Then pull it out this way. No point in rubbing all that dirt back in. Take a look at for dirty bits you might have missed.
Alternate the brush and patches to really get in there and clean.
5. Barrel (part 2)
Attach the cotton swab to a cleaning rod and apply some lubricant on to it, run this through the bore to lubricate it.
6. Action
Apply the lubricant to the brush and brush every part of the action. Wipe dry with a cloth. Also do this to all the moving parts of the gun to prevent rust, not being able to pull the trigger is almost as embarrassing as having a dirty gun. . But only a light layer, don’t want any slippy fingers…
7. Wipe
Wipe down the rest of the gun with those fancy sounding cloths mentioned in step one. They’re fancy for a reason, to remove any remaining debris, acid from fingerprints, and add shine (just to look fancy). Now, if you don’t have these snazzy sounding cloths then old socks or a t shirt work pretty well too as reusable cloths. Just make sure they’re clean.
Make sure you do this in a well ventilated or open windowed environment. Those solvent fumes can smell and can make you nauseous and the last thing you want is to throw up over your newly shiny firearm.