Replacing the cloth on your snooker table can enhance the quality of play, make the table more aesthetically pleasing to players and improve the overall decor of the room. But if not done correctly, one could damage the table; here’s how to do it the right way.
Step One
Take apart the table. The first step is to take out the pockets. This can be done very easily on most tables by pushing the pockets up, or unscrewing the bottom brackets holding in the pockets and then pushing them up out of the table.
Step Two
Take out the rails. There are bolts located underneath the table. Unscrew these bolts with your wrench. Once the rails are removed from the table, you will have access to the bed cover, otherwise known as the pool table cloth.
Step Three
Remove the old cloth by using needle-nose pliers to pry the staples out of the sides of the table connecting the cloth to the slate.
Step Four
Place the new cloth on top of the slate, and restaple it to all of the sides. Before stapling, make sure you stretch the cover across the slate as tightly as possible. Depending on the size of the table versus the length and width of the cloth, there should be excess cloth to extend beyond the edge of the slate.
Step Five
Measure the distances for your staples. There should be four staple locations equally spaced apart on the short ends of the table and eight staple locations on the long ends. It my take two to three staples to keep each section in place and they should be equally spaced apart. The measurements will vary depending on the length and width of your table rails.
Step Six
Take an iron, book or anything with a flat surface to press the cloth against the slate and make sure there are no air bubbles trapped within. Once this is done, reapply the rail to the table and then replace the pockets.