The pressure gauge on your swimming pool is key in determining the overall operating condition of your pool’s filter system. Whether its a sand, cartridge or diatomaceous earth filter, the pressure gauge helps to determine several things about your pool. If the reading is high on your pressure gauge its an indication that the filter needs to be cleaned because it’s too clogged with dirt and debris. A low reading can signal circulation problems from within the filter system that need to be addressed.
Step One
Look for kinks in the hoses that connect and from the filter. Kinks in the hoses can block water circulation and affect the pressure reading.
Step Two
Turn on the filter and let it run for a two minutes. Locate the pressure gauge near the top of side of the filter.
Step Three
Read the pressure gauge. The reading will be measured in pounds per square inch (psi) and should fall somewhere between the range of zero and 40 (most gauges).
Step Four
Look for color coded indicators around the perimeter of the gauge's face panel. These indicators can signal ranges for low, normal and high pressure regions.