Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few decades, I’m sure you’re aware of the size and influence of the “green” movement. Whether you can’t get to sleep for worrying about baby polar bears, or you just want to play ball and save some money, I’m sure you want to be a little greener. If you’re on the cusp of a big DIY overhaul, then here are some products which will make your home greener.
First of all, a smart thermostat. These clever little devices are rapidly gaining popularity. Even people who don’t care about the environment all that much are starting to buy smart thermostats for the sheer amount of money they stand to save! A smart thermostat will monitor the outdoor and indoor humidity, and take these into account while cooling or heating your home. This ensures that the temperature in your home will stay consistent and comfortable, no matter the season. Some thermostats like these: http://yourhome.honeywell.com/lyric will even track the location of your smartphone, and make adjustments based on it. You can set your furnace to come on when you leave the house, and to turn back on when you come back.
Getting some occupancy-sensing light switches in your home can also be a great way of making it greener. Like many, you might find that there are a few rooms in your house where the lights are always on, even if no one’s using it. Even if you try to get out of this bad habit, you can find yourself coming home to a house that’s fully lit up. Get some occupancy-sensing switches in your home, and this will become a non-issue. This is a simple concept, but one that’s sure to make millions! A motion sensor tells the switch when people leave or enter a room, and turns the light on and off accordingly. Some models will also factor in the amount of natural light. Check out this site: http://electricalguys.co.uk/ for a great selection.
These techy devices will certainly make your home greener than it was before. However, if you really, really want your home to help the environment, then getting a sustainable water system is the way to go. More and more people are using various instalments to collect, filter and then use rain and ground water. Most people go with a simple rain collection tank, whereas others prefer water boreholes like these: http://www.nichollsboreholes.co.uk . Whatever you use, setting up your own water supply can be a fantastic way to save both the earth and your wallet! Water extraction from your own back garden will give you a cleaner standard of water. You’ll also have the knowledge that you’re taking the most environmentally friendly route possible. It can be used for both mains and irrigation, and while pricey it’s certainly practical!
There you have three of the best ways to make your home more eco-friendly. Even if the money you’ll save isn’t all that impressive, I’m sure you’ll take pride in the work you’re doing for the whole world!