Ask yourself, how do I fix a Hole in the Wall? The answer is really quite easy and not very expensive; if you do it yourself. Before you can fix a hole in a drywall you need to assess the size of the hole on the wall, and how the hole has been made. The method used to repair the hole in the wall depends on the size of the hole or holes. A small hole that has been created by nails or screws can be repaired quite easily by purchasing a ready to use plaster filler and a putty knife to apply it with, spackling paste; or you may prefer to use paintable caulk. All these products can be purchased in a Home improvement shop or DIY store, and fixing the hole in the drywall can be repaired fast without too much fuss.
When using caulk you can obtain a smooth finish by using a wet finger, this can get messy so read the instructions before use. When using both the plaster filler and spackling paste smooth the finish with a putty knife.
For holes the size of a marble you can use the same methods as above and smooth off with a wet finger if using the caulk or the putty knife for the plaster and spackling. Wipe down any loose plaster or spackling with a damp cloth, and when it is completely dry you may prefer to use fine sandpaper to smooth off the finish before painting. If you find it too hard to get the plaster or spackling to stay in position, you may need to consider the next method of repair.
When trying to repair a large hole, about the size of a golf ball you are best to use a drywall patch or tape to cover the hole, gyproc aluminium plasterboard repair patch comes in various sizes, and can be purchased at any home improvement shop or DIY store. Once the patch is in place it will require finishing off with joint compound or spackling, only when completely dry, use fine sandpaper to produce the smooth finishing touch required before you can paint over it.
The larger holes will need to be patched up with new plasterboard. To do this you will need a pencil , plasterboard screws, small strips of wood (battens), a piece of plasterboard larger than the hole, fibreglass tape, joint compound, plastering trowel, drill, sanding block, a dust mask is advisable, and a keyhole saw. First job to do is to cut out a square or rectangular shaped piece of plasterboard that covers the hole completely, then draw around the plasterboard piece with your pencil onto the wall, covering the hole completely. You need to cut the pencil shape out of the wall by using your saw and cut into all four corners. You will then have to fix your one or two pieces of wood (battens) into the hole with fixing screws in either side of the hole. This depends on the size of the hole and how many battens are used. If repairing a large hole, you may need more than one piece of wood fitted to the sides of the hole. Next you need to use your drill to drill through the plasterboard and into the wood behind the plasterboard, then using the screws, attach the wood to the wall. Once this is in place you are able to drill a couple of holes into the small piece of plasterboard that is going to fill the hole. Once this is securely in place you are ready to move onto the next stage. Seal the joints with fibreglass tape along all four sides, making sure this is fitted flat to the wall. Do not overlap any of the tape or this will create raised edges. Now with the compound solution to finish the job off, use your plastering trowel to get a smooth finish. Cover the patch completely and let it dry before using another coat of compound solution. You then need to wait until it is completely dry before sanding it down to a smooth finish; you can then prime and paint it. All your walls can be maintained and repaired in this way.