Aluminum windows do a great job, but, like all windows, accidents can occur that cause the glass to crack or break. This ultimately leads to replacing the glass. Although you can pay a glazier to come in and do the job, it’s surprisingly easy to do it yourself. All it takes is a little hard work and you can have your window back in place and looking like new, whether it’s a sliding window or a stationary one. There’s no special skill involved, nor do you need any specialist tools you don’t already have in the house.
Step One
Removing the Old Window - If you need to replace the glass in the slider part of your aluminum window, the task is remarkably easy. In most cases, all you’ll need to do is lift up the bottom of the window, swing it out toward you and remove the window. In other instances, there might be a roller at the top and you’ll need to remove the screw holding it in place first. With a stationary window, first remove the slider then unscrew the center bar holding the aluminum window in place, using the mallet to tap it to the side. Now, use the mallet the gently tap the window out of its channel then lift it out.