In summer, flies and other insects can ruin a picnic, an outdoor BBQ or anything that has food or drinks. Sometimes sidewalk cafes, outdoor bars or
even your patio or yard at home can attract more than the normal share of flies. It is sometimes hard to know how to deal with them, since they are flying insects. But here is one way to all but eliminate them from your gathering area. You may have to reapply this a couple of times during your stay outdoors, but it is quite effective, not only on flies but mosquitoes, also.
Since it basically has no smell, no one will know you sprayed anything around, and if you have a business that serves drinks or food outside this can be a real blessing so it doesn’t disturb the people who are eating or drinking.
Purchase a really good spray bottle that has a sturdy sprayer head on it. Smaller, reused sprayer bottles don't work quite as well as the sprayer nozzle tends to quit working very easily, so don't scrimp. You can buy these at just about any home improvement store.
Respraying may be necessary every so often as hydrogen peroxideHydrogen breaks down into other elements fairly quickly, but going around the edges of the area should help.