In the event you are planning to get married and want to protect the assets you bring to the marriage, you will need to write a prenuptial agreement. This agreement will protect both parties in the event of divorce. Writing a prenuptial agreement is usually done with the help of a legal representative or an attorney.
Step One
Begin by having the names of both parties who are planning to marry. The beginning paragraph should state their names and the date of marriage.
Step Two
List all assets, liabilities, income and any planned inheritance. All areas must be disclosed to ensure the prenuptial agreement is binding.
Step Three
Decide who owns the residence to be used. This should be included in the agreement. State who will retain ownership upon divorce.
Step Four
Determine and describe how the premarital debts will be payed and how the property will be disbursed. This includes real estate, jewelry and collectibles.
Step Five
Add information on what will occur in the event of separation regarding medical and long-term care or insurance.
Step Six
Allow each member to seek their own legal counsel.
Step Seven
Sign and execute the agreement in the presence of two witnesses who also sign the agreement.