Everyone dreams of having that perfect job, where you wake up with a smile on your face and don’t dread the day ahead of you. Most of the time, people are very lucky in their current job, and don’t have to deal with the horrors of workplace bullying. Unfortunately, where most bullying ends as soon as you leave school, there are some people who are adamant on bringing it into the workplace even when everyone should be a grown up.
There are, unfortunately, some instances where playground tactics and unfair treatment stick through to adulthood, which creeps into the workplace, boardroom and beyond. So, what do you do when bullying occurs in the workplace? It’s not always an obvious thing either, sometimes it can be something as simple as one employee undermining another one, or someone who deliberately berates another for their work, instead of acknowledging the hurdles they’ve had to overcome. It’s tough finding a solution to this, but it can be solved with the right approach.
What is Unfair Treatment at Work
If you are an employer, then you will want to make sure that your staff feel respected and fairly treated at work. So as the employer if you suspect even the faintest bot of victimisation or bullying, you need to take responsibility and talk to your team. Unfair treatment can be a number of things though, it could be a staff member undermining another member, even though they are competent at the job.
It could also be a manager who takes a dislike to a particular employee and make their life difficult, they could unfairly criticise a worker’s work or set them menial tasks. Or maybe someone is getting overlooked for a promotion, or another employee could be involved in slander. All of this would be classed as unfair treatment at work. The victim of this bullying, might then suffer from anxiety, feel degraded, humiliated, and unworthy. So, it’s important to stop this unfair treatment.
What to Do if There is Unfair Treatment in Your Business
As soon as you see that there is unfair treatment going on in your business then you need to make sure that you get it solved as soon as you can. A good boss will put an end to any unfair treatment, and make sure that there are consequences to the person how was being the bully. If not, you might find that the employee will take it one step further and look into these employment tribunals Manchester can offer employees who are being treated unfairly.
As an employer you need to make sure that your employer is aware of services like this to help through times like this. You can also point them to Citizens Advice, who offer impartial and free legal support and guidance. But please remind them that cannot offer legal advice, only a friendly approach. What they can do is help you determine if you need to involve solicitors and get further legal action via an employment tribunal.
Protect Your Employees
Obviously, the best thing that you can do as an employer is to protect your employees. You need to have an open door, call anytime, face-to-face interaction and offer good support for your team, then this can help protect your employees. You should make sure to keep on top of the health and wellbeing of your employees. You will want to make sure that your employees feel comfortable and happy in their workplace.
You will want to make sure that your employees know what they can and can’t do concerning unfair treatment. Obviously, as the employer you will hope that unfair treatment never happens at your business, but it can happen, so it’s important that you and your employee knows exactly what they can. Don’t forget there is also plenty that you can do to keep your employees happy – just check out this article here for the six ways to improve the work environment for work employees.