Selling your home doesn’t always require the services of a real estate agent. In fact, with the housing market in its current state, more and more homeowners are taking charge and making a whole lot more money.
IT'S NOT YOUR HOUSE - The minute you decide that you are going to sell your home, you need to stop thinking of it as YOUR HOME. A home sale can be a rough experience for those with a sentimental attachment to the property. Understand that potential buyers will not have the same emotional investment in your house. Buyers can be rude, picky, and critical. If you really want to sell your house, come to terms with its loss before you end up with overpriced memories no one else wants to buy.
ADVERTISE - Advertising real estate isn't expensive. With a little creativity, you can effectively advertise and sell your own house. Look to local trade and swap guides, free online listing sites like Craigslist, and local bulletin boards where you can post a flyer with a picture and description of your home. Also, you will need to put up a 'for sale by owner' sign or something similar in front of your home. You may also wish to announce that your home is for sale in online real estate forums.